Re-using Content with Stacks

A Stack is a "stack" of blocks that can be included on multiple pages. If you have content that you want to appear on several pages, use a Stack!

For example, perhaps your site footer contains a block of contact information that appears on every page of the site. That contact information is stored in a stack.

A "Standard" stack is created as needed by you, the site editor. A "Template" stack is automatically created by the system from your site design.

Creating a Stack

Adding a Stack couldn’t be easier!

Adding a Block to a Stack

Create a Block within the Stack.

Inserting a Stack Into a Page

Quickly place the same content throughout your website.

Editing a Block in a Stack

Edit a Block in a Stack, and it updates everywhere it’s used on your website.

Deleting a Block in a Stack

Goodbye, unnecessary Stack Block!