Making Pages Private

Sometimes you want a Page to only be accessible by certain people.

The most common reasons for doing this are:

  1. You temporarily want to "unpublish" a Page, but you don't want to delete it. For example, you may have an annual event Page that you only want to have up for a few months out of the year, but you don't want to have to re-create it from scratch every year.

  2. You only want a select group of people to view a Page and its sub-Pages. An example would be a "Board of Directors" section of your site.

To create these kinds of access restrictions, you use Page Permissions.

Understanding Page Permissions

Page Permissions are applied to every Page on your site. Most of the time, permissions are inherited from your Home Page. You can, instead, manually override the permissions for a given Page. The Pages below that Page will then inherit those permissions.

You can grant permissions to either an individual User or a Group of Users. Groups are more commonly used because they're easier to manage.

By default your site has one group (Administrators) and two "virtual" groups (Guests and Registered Users). A Guest is any site visitor that is not logged in. A Registered User is any visitor that is logged in.

A visitor must have Read permissions in order to view a Page. If a visitor does not have Read permissions for a Page…

  1. The Page is not included in site navigation.
  2. If a visitor tries to load the Page, she is prompted to log into the site.

Steps for making a Page private

  1. Go to the Page you want to lock down.

  2. Hover over Edit and press Permissions. The Page Permissions panel will open.

  3. Select Manually from the Assign Permissions dropdown menu.

  4. Press the View link. The View panel will open

  5. Add or remove any groups you'd like to include or exclude from viewing the page.

  6. Press Save. The View panel with close.

  7. Press Save. The Permissions panel will close.