Finding movies you can use on your website

Don’t break the law!

If you have movies that you own, feel free to use them.

You will probably violate copyright laws if you simply search for movies using Google or another search engine and use what you find!

Creative Commons


For more info on Creative Commons, please watch the short video above—it's worth it! (You can also view it at

You can find movies available under various Creative Commons licenses at:

Wikimedia Commons

If you’re familiar with Wikipedia, the you’ll like Wikimedia Commons, an open collection of videos (and much more!) that anyone can use, available at

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive has a magnificent collection of videos that you can use for free, and most are available in a variety of formats. See it at


iStockphoto isn’t free, but the quality is excellent. In fact, WebSanity uses it all the time. Start searching—and buying—professionally-shot images at


Over 11 million images (and illustrations and videos) for sale at
