Things don't look or act right

Try a different browser

For editing your website, WebSanity support modern web browsers that work with the CMS.

If something doesn’t look or act right, check the web browser you’re using. Make sure you’re using one of the supported web browsers above. Try a different web browser and see if that fixes it:

NOTE: WebSanity does not recommend Internet Explorer, but if you have to use it, you have to use it. That said, Chrome, Safari, or Firefox are far better choices. Want to know why? Just ask us!

Shift-Reload the Browser

Sometimes when you think there's a problem, you're actually looking at an older version of the webpage that's stuck in your cache. Pressing the Reload button doesn't fix the problem.

The solution? Hold down Shift while you press the Reload button. That tells the browser to bypass the cache entirely and grab a new copy of the webpage.

You'd be surprised how often that fixes things!

Still having issues?

If you’re still having problems, contact WebSanity!
