Hover over the Dashboard button in the Toolbar and click Posts.
Click Create New Post. The Create Post panel should open.
Fill in the Correct Information.
To create a Post, only the Title and Slug need to be filled out.
By default, the Title is used for both the Page title that appears in the title bar of your web browser and as the Title of the Post.
Be consistent in the capitalization of titles. Decide between headline case (Key Words in Post Titles are Capitalized) and sentence case (Only the first word of the title is capitalized) and stick to it throughout your website.
TIP: Never use ALL CAPS or all lowercase—if that is desired, talk to WebSanity & we will automate that styling for you.
Use keywords that search engines and users will find. A good Post Title would be “Annual Dinner and Auction”; a bad one would be “We hope you’re hungry!” (it’s too cutesy and search engines will have no idea that you’re referring to your annual dinner).
The Slug is auto-generated by the title. If the Slug is too long, you can change it. If you do change it, use lowercase letters only, with words separated by hyphens (See Changing a Post's URL Slug).
To publish a Post, the Publish Date is also needed.
For Publish Date, press Now to publish the Post upon saving, or manually set the Date and Time to publish at a later time.
Categories and Tags are not required to either create or publish a Post, though strongly recommended.
The purpose of Categories is to group Posts together. Editors assign Categories to Posts. A single Post may be in multiple Categories, though the number of Categories assigned to a single Post should be kept at a minimum. For instance, a Post titled "Annual Dinner and Auction" may be categorized into both "Events" and "Contributing". Visitors then may go into the Categories "Events" and "Contributing" to find the Post.
Editors can also assign Tags to Posts. Generally, a Post will have more Tags than Categories assigned to it (For more on the differences, see What's the difference between Categories and Tags?). Tags provide another way to group Posts together and and make Posts easier to find, especially when searching. For instance, if you used the Tags "2012" and "Chase Park Plaze" for a Post titled "Annual Dinner and Auction", the Post would appear as a search result when "2012" or "Chase Park Plaza" is searched for on the search bar.
Press Save.